February 2006
Tuesday 14
08.00 h. |
Shuttle Service from the Hotels to the Congress Site. |
08.30 h. |
Consumer behaviour in the ceramic product replacement market and comparison with substitute products
David Gobert Teigeiro(1). Ricardo Chiva Gómez (1). Veronique Yael Berger(1), Javier Sánchez García (2), Miguel Ángel Moliner Tena (2), Luis Callarisa Fiol (2), Rosa Rodríguez Artola (2) y Miguel Ángel López Navarro (2).
(1) ALICER,-(2) IMK Departamento de Administración de Empresas y Marketing. Universitat Jaume I
Ceramic products today: Analysis of consumer trends in prestige markets
Rosa María Rodríguez(1), Miguel Ángel Moliner(1), Javier Sánchez(1), Luis Callarisa (1), Miguel Ángel López(1) ;Javier Soriano(2); Santiago Barón(2);Maite Gómez(2)
(1)IMK, Innovation in Marketing, Universitat Jaume I; (2)ASCER Department of Trade Affairs and Promotion Abroad
Factory management as a competitiveness factor. Study of industrial Benchmarking in the ceramic cluster.
Corma P. (1) and Carda J. B. (1)
(1) QPT, S.L., (2) Dept, QIO of UJI
Evaluation of business management in the ceramic cluster based on the EFQM model
P. Corma P.- (QPT, S.L)
Social responsibility in the SME. A proposal for measurement in the ceramic sector
Rivera Lirio, J.M. (1); Muñoz Torres, M.J. (2);
(1)Researcher Generalitat Valenciana. (2)Department of Finances and Accountancy.Universitat Jaume I.
Discussion |
08.30 h. |
COMMUNICATIONS BLOCK B – ROOM 4 A vital key to industry growth is education
Patti Fasan, CTC
Professional Attention to Tile Installations,Ceramic Tile Institute of America
Ceramic tilings before the new requirements of the Technical Building Code
Julián Pérez Navarro(1) ;Francisco García Olmos(2)
(1)Technical Architect. Director of the Technical Office of the Official College of Building Supervisors and Technical Architects of the Murcia Region. (2)Technical Architect. Technical Director of ACE Edificación S.L. Lecturer at the Catholic University of San Antonio in Murcia.
University and technical education in the ceramic sector
Pitarch Roig, Ángel Miguel(1), Sáez Riquelme, Beatriz(2)
(1)Architect and Technical Architect-Associate Professor at Universitat Jaime I University School – Territorial College of Architects of Castellón – Official College of Architects of the Valencia Region. (2)Architect – Territorial College of Architects of Valencia – Official College of Architects of the Valencia Region
Addressing the shortage of skilled tile fixers.
Colin Cass. B. Ed., Dip. T. (Technical). Sydney Institute of TAFE
Discussion |
08.30 h. |
COMMUNICATIONS BLOCK C – ROOM 1 Development of new glass-ceramic glazes that improve anti-slip properties
E. Fortanet(1), S. Gabaldón(1), J. Bakali(1), I. Núñez(2), M. Peiró(2) and J.B. Carda(2).
(1)ESMALTES S.A., (2)Dept. of Inorganic and Organic Chemistry, Universitat Jaume I,
High-temperature matt glazes with high chemical resistance
J. Perez(1), S. Reverter(1), E. Bou(2), A. Moreno(2), M. J. Vicente(2), A. Barba(2),
(1)Color Esmalt (EUROARCE), (2)Instituto de Tecnología Cerámica (ITC), Asociación de Investigación de las Industrias Cerámicas, Universitat Jaume I. Castellón.
Ceramic glazes with Aventurine effect
A. Gozalbo(1), M.J. Orts(1), S. Mestre(1), P. Gómez(1), P. Agut(1), F. Lucas(2), A. Belda C. Blanco(2)
(1)Instituto de Tecnología Cerámica (ITC), Asociación de Investigación de las Industrias Cerámicas, Universitat Jaume I. (2)FRITTA, S.L.
Matt glazes in tiles made by fast double firing
J.L. Amorós(1), A. Gozalbo(1), S. Mestre(1), M.J. Orts(1), B. Campos(1),A.J. Ramos(2), J.F. Aparisi(2), F.J. Ferrando(2), M. Paulo(2)
(1)Instituto de Tecnología Cerámica (ITC), Asociación de Investigación de las Industrias Cerámicas, Universitat Jaume I.(2)ESMALGLASS, S.A.
Synthesis and characterisation of glazes with a high refractive index and hardness
J. Martínez(1), I. Marinova(1), R. J. Rincón(2), J. S. Valencia(2), M. Peiró(3), I. Núñez(3), E. Navarro(3), J. B. Carda(3)
(1)Quimicer S.A., (Castellón),Spain,(2)Centro de Catálisis Heterogénea, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá D.C., (3)Dept. of Inorganic and Organic Chemistry, Universitat Jaume I, Castellón
(Spain- Colombia)
Discussion |
08.30 h. |
COMMUNICATIONS BLOCK C – ROOM 2 Analytical investigation on acid and alkaline attack on glazed tile surfaces
Paolo Zannini – University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Chemistry Dept. –
Structural study of ceramic glazes by FT-Raman spectroscopy
O. Ruiz(1), F. Sanmiguel(1), J. Rubio(2), J.L.Oteo(2), S. Sánchez-Cortés(3)
(1)TORRECID S.A., (2)Dpto. Química-Física de Superficies y Procesos. Instituto de Cerámica y Vidrio, Madrid, (3)Instituto de la Estructura de la Materia, Madrid
Obtainment of glazes with a metallic appearance in single-fired tiles
M.J. Cabrera, V. Montíns, A. Foó, P. Balfagón
Vidres, S. A.
Chemico-physical properties of nano-sized ceramic inks for ink-jet printing
D. Gardini(1), F. Matteucci(1), M. Blosi(1), A.L. Costa(1), M. Dondi(1), C. Galassi(1), M. Raimondo(1);G. Baldi(2), E. Cinotti(2)
(1)Institute of Science and Technology for Ceramics, Faenza, (2)Advanced Research Laboratory, Colorobbia Italia, Sovigliana Vinci,
Development of ceramic materials using laser technology
A. Nebot(1), I. Goyeneche(1), M.A. Jovaní(1), V. V. Lennikov(2), R. Lahoz(2), L. C. Estepa(2),F. J. Lázaro(2), G. F. de la Fuente(2), T. Lyubenova(3), JM. Pedra(3), J.B. Carda(3)
(1)COLOROBBIA ESPAÑA S.A., (2)Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Aragón (Universidad de Zaragoza-CSIC), (3)Dept. of Inorganic and Organic Chemistry, Universitat Jaume I de Castelló,
Discussion |
10.30 h. |
Coffe break |
11.15 h. |
Challenges of External Wall Tiling in Singapore
Liu Thai Ker
Architect-planner. Director of RSP Architects Planners & Engineers Pte Ltd.
Architecture and technology of ceramic façade claddings in high-rise buildings: the case of the Terra Brasilis building in Recife, Brazil.
Bruno Ferraz(1), Jonas Silvestre Medeiros (2)
(1) Graduate in architecture. Partner-director of B’Ferraz Arquitectura Ltda. (2) Civil engineer. Director of Inovatec Consultores Associados Ltda.
Ceramics and Architecture
Chaired by: Jaume Avellaneda
Professor of the Department of Architectural Constructions Polytechnic University of Catalonia.
• Liu Thai Ker. Architect-planner. Director of RSP Architects Planners & Engineers Pte Ltd. (Singapore)
• Wong Chung Wan. Division Director, SETSCO Services Pte Ltd, (Singapore)
• Bruno Ferraz. Graduate in architecture. Partner-director of B’Ferraz Arquitectura Ltda. (Brazil)
• Jonas S. Medeiros. Civil Engineer. Director of Inovatec Consultores Associados Ltda. (Brazil)
• Javier Portolés Head of Innovation Projects at TAU CERÁMICA (Spain)
• Antoni Cumella. Ceramist. Manager of Cerámica Cumella (Spain)
Discussion |
11.15 h. |
Poster exhibition and presentation by the authors |
14.00 h. |
Working lunch |
15.30 h. |
CONFERENCE –ROOM 1 Control and automation in the ceramic tile industry. Evolution and perspectives.
José Gustavo Mallol Gasch
Assistant Professor of Chemical Engineering at Universidad Jaume I of Castellón. R&D project Coordinator at the Instituto de Tecnología Cerámica (Spain)
Discussion |
15.30 h. |
Management of intangibles in the ceramic sector
Lluis Callarisa Fiol, Miguel Ángel López Navarro, Miguel Ángel Moliner Tena, Rosa Rodríguez Artola and Javier Sánchez García,
IMK. Lecturers in the Department of Business Administration and Marketing of Universitat Jaume I
“Branding: brand creation in the ceramic sector”
a general model of brand construction and management of its assets
Pedro Palencia Alacid . Professor E&S Area of Marketing. E&S Escuela Superior de Negocios –
Discussion |
15.30 h. |
COMMUNICATIONS BLOCK B - ROOM 4 Introduction to a conception of simplified models in the quantitative estimation of stresses in ceramic tilings. (Case: Deck-Adhesive-Floor System. MESES)
E. Carlos Carbajal, E. Miguel García , Lucía Reig
Students of ETSGE. Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (UPV). Materials Engineers, in official announcement 2004-2005. (Proceeding from Technical Arch.) (Tutored by Ángel M. Pitarch. Lecturer at ETSGE. UPV)
Universal floor tester: An opportunity for improved ceramic tile assembly evaluation
Sean Gerolimatos(1), Peter Nielsen(1), Dale Kempster(2), Frank Woeste(3)
(1)Schluter Systems,L.P., (2)Terrazzo, Tile and Marble Association of Canada, (3)Ph.D., P.E. Professor Emeritus Virginia Tech University, Wood Construction & Engineering Consultant
(Canada- USA)
16.30 h. |
Poster exhibition and presentation by the authors |
16.30 h. |
Innovation in the ceramic industry: new functionalities for ceramic tiles
Chaired by: Jorge Bakali
President of the Spanish Ceramics and Glass Society
• Juan Carda . Ph.D. in Chemistry and Associate Professor at Universitat Jaume I (Spain)
• Paolo Nanni Associate Professor for the area of Chemical Sciences, Dept. of Chemical and Process Engineering, University of Genoa (Italy)
• Agustín R. González-Elipe. Research Professor of the Seville Institute of Materials Science. Universidad de Sevilla (Spain)
16.30 h. |
COMMUNICATIONS BLOCK A –ROOM 3 The Spanish ceramic product replacement market: What the end-user values
Miguel Angel Moliner Tena, Javier Sánchez García, Miguel Angel López Navarro, Lluis Callarisa Fiol y Rosa María Rodríguez Artola.
IMK, Innovation in Marketing, Universitat Jaume I of Castellón.
The relations between frit, glaze and ceramic colour companies and ceramic tile manufacturing companies: Do we really know what is valued?
Luis J. Callarisa Fiol
Department of Business Administration and Marketing, Universitat Jaume I
Marketing to the North American Design Professional – Insights from both sides of the Fence
Patti Fasan, CTC(1) , Céline Pitre, BID, RID, IFMA(2)
(1)Principal, Professional Attention to Tile Installations, CTIOA; (2)Principal, Céline Interiors Inc
Generation of an information system for the ceramic industry value system: The Ceramic Market Observatory
David Gobert Teigeiro(1), Ondina Enrique Monzó (2),
(1), Deputy Director of ALICER and lecturer in the Department of Business Administration and Marketing of Universidad Jaume I. (2)Technician at the ALICER Ceramic Market Observatory
16.30 h. |
COMMUNICATIONS BLOCK B- ROOM 4 Influence of polymer additives on adherence after immersion in water
Juliana de Oliveira(1), Denise Antunes da Silva(2)
(1)Civil Eng., M. Sc. Eng., Doctorate Candidate, (2)Civil Eng., Dr. Eng., Professor
Department of Civil Engineering at Federal University of Santa Catarina – UFSC/CTC/ECV
A cause and effect diagram for facade pathologies
Mansur, A. A. P; Mansur, H. S.
Department of Metallurgical Engineering and Materials - Federal University of Minas Gerais
Technical–economic study of facade materials and systems
Lucía Reig(1), Tutored by Ángel M. Pitarch(2)(UPV)Miguel de Morlan(3), Carlos Sanchis(3)
(1)Student of ETSGE. Polytechnic University of Valencia, (2)UPV; (3)TAU Cerámica
Discussion |
18.35 h. |
Shuttle Service to the Hotels |
20.30 h. |
Coaches leave the hotels to Vila-Real |
21.00 h. |
Dinner at the Restaurant “El Corner”
After dinner, return to the hotels. |