February 2006
Monday 13
08.15 h. |
Shuttle Service from the Hotels to the Congress Site (Official Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Navigation) |
08.30 h. |
Documentation is handed out to the Congress Members. |
09.30 h. |
Opening ceremony. |
10.00 h. |
The manufacture of frits, glazes and ceramic colours. social, economic and environmental challenges in the international context
Carlos Gonzalvo Lucas(1), Manuel Irun Molina(2)
General Manager at Vernis, S. A. and Chairman of the Spanish National Association of Frit, Glaze and Ceramic Colour Manufacturers (ANFFECC)(1)
Environment and energy officer of the Foundation Valencian Region - European Region in Brussels and environmental project coordinator.(2)
10.00 h. |
COMMUNICATIONS BLOCK B –ROOM 2 Ceramics in urban furniture: Design, development and innovation
Miguel Bartolomé, J. Manuel Guzmán, F. Javier Mira, Juan J. Ramón.
Association for the Promotion of Ceramic Design, ALICER
Design and development of flooring for the sight-impaired: ‘guide project’
Raquel Rovira(1), David Acín(1), José Luis Vives(1), Escolástica Medina(1), Montse García(2)
(1)Vives Azulejos y Gres S.A.; (2) Escola d’Art i Superior de Disseny
11.00 h. |
Coffee break |
11.30 h. |
The distribution: major actor of value creation in tiles universe
Jean Philipe Mutelet
Tile Marketing and Buying director at Saint Gobain Distribution Batiment. Partidis
The distribution of ceramics and construction materials in a global market
Chaired by: Fidel Pila
General Manager of Suministros Valls
President of ANDIMAC (Spanish Association of Ceramics and Construction Material Distributors).
• Jean Philippe Mutelet. Director of marketing and tile procurement, Saint Gobain Distribution Batiment, Partidis (France)
• Ignacio Cruz Roche – General Manager of Trade Policy. Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism (Spain)
• Miguel Lladó Oliver – Lladó Materialees de Construcción. President of the Chamber of Commerce of Baleares (Spain)
• Antonio Ballester López – Manager of Terrapilar S.A. (Spain)
11.30 h. |
Stresses in the composite system: Tile – fixing mortar – base
Josef K. Felixberger
Head of Application Technology. PCI Augsburg Degussa. AG. Construction Chemicals Europe.
Adhesion and deformability of cementitious adhesives and grouts for ceramic tile installation
Chaired by:
Jose Luis Porcar
Director of the Instituto de Promoción Cerámica (Castellón County Councill)
• Josef K. Felixberger. Head of Application Technology. PCI Augsburg Degussa. AG. Construction Chemicals Europe. (Germany)
• Klaus Bonin. Technical Service Manager, Wacker Polymer Systems GmbH (Germany)
• Antonio Solsona. Quality Control Manager. Saint Gobain Weber Cermarksa (Spain)
• Mike Wheat. Building Adhesives Limited (UK)
• Dr. Rüdiger Oberste-Padtberg. Head of Research and Development Division. ARDEX GmbH. (Germany)
14.00 h. |
Working lunch |
15.30 h. |
The world ceramic tile industry in the globalisation era
Sergio Sassi
Chief Executive Officer of the Emilceramica Group.
Discussion |
15.30 h. |
Poster exhibition and presentation by the authors |
16.30 h. |
COMMUNICATIONS BLOCK A- ROOM 3 The opportunity for innovation
Javier Sastre Martín
Company management consultancy SASTRE & ASOCIADOS
Organizational learning capability and product innovation: An empirical test on Spanish and Italian ceramic tile producers
Joaquín Alegre (1), Ricardo Chiva(2), David Gobert
(2), Rafael Lapiedra(1)
(1)Universitat Jaume I, (2)Alicer and Universitat Jaume I
Logistics and delivery times in the ceramic sector: The need for a logistics platform
Vicente Rius (1), Miguel Angel Moliner Tena (2), Javier Sánchez García (2), Miguel Angel López Navarro (2), Lluis Callarisa Fiol(2),Rosa María Rodríguez Artola (2),
(1)Director of the Planning Department Castellón Harbour Authority; (2),IMK, Innovation in Marketing, Universitat Jaume I.
The Chinese Building Ceramics Industry:
A “Fashion” Competitive Strategy
Bao Jie Jun, Oceano Ceramic Co., Ltd.
16.30 h. |
The importance of a pathologies catalogue for ceramic facade tiling diagnostics
Vasco Peixoto de Freitas (1); Marília Sousa(2)
(1)Full Professor and Director of the Building Physics Laboratory, Faculty of Engineering – Porto University; (2)Civil Engineer, M. Sc, Porto,
Building facades with porcelain stoneware tiles in Recife - Brazil
Flávio Leal Maranhão(1); Angelo Just da Costa e Silva(2), Jonas Silvestre Medeiros(3)
(1) Civil Eng, MSc, Polytechnic School of the University of Sao Paulo; (2)Civil Eng, MSc, Polytechnic School of the University of Sao Paulo and Professor of the Catholic University of Pernambuco; (3) Civil Eng, PhD, Technical Director of Inovatec Associated Consultants Ltd.
Tiling Failures through the Lens of a Microscope
Wong Chung Wan
Setsco Services Pte Ltd,
Data collection of five years of exterior facade pathologies in Brazil
Mansur, A. A. P; Nascimento, O. L.; Mansur, H. S.
Department of Metallurgical Engineering and Materials - Federal University of Minas Gerais
16.30 h. |
Automatic measurement of spray-dried powder granulometry for on-line process control
A. Di Giuseppe, G.M. Revel
Dipartimento di Meccanica, Università Politecnica delle Marche, ANCONA,
Automatic control of density and viscosity in continuous mills
E. Sánchez(1), V. Cantavella(1), D. Llorens(1), C. Molto(1), L. Foucard(1),L. Miralles(2), E. Cuesta(2)
(1)Instituto de Tecnología Cerámica (ITC), Asociación de Investigación de las Industrias Cerámicas, Universitat Jaume I. (2)Atomizadora, S.A.,
Temperature distribution inside a ceramic tile during industrial firing
V. Cantavella(1), A. Moreno(1), A. Mezquita(1), D. Llorens(1),J. Barberá(2), A. Palanques(2)
(1)Instituto de Tecnología Cerámica (ITC), Asociación de Investigación de las Industrias Cerámicas, Universitat Jaume I. (2)Cerámica Saloni, S.A.
Discussion |
16.30 h. |
Proposal of a model for estimating the useful life of glazed ceramic tiles subject to abrasive wear
Ana Luiza Raabe Abitante(1), Carlos Pérez Bergmann(2), José Luis Duarte Ribeiro(3)
(1)Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul – UFRGS, Núcleo Orientado para Inovação da Edificação – NORIE; (2)Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul – UFRGS, Laboratório de Materiais Cerâmicos – LACER; (3)Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul – UFRGS, Lab. de Otimização de Produtos e de Processos – LOPP
Use of glass sheets in ceramic tile manufacture
A. Moreno(1), E. Bou(1), V. Sanz(1), J. García-Ten(1), J. Usó(2), J. Manrique(2), J. García-Sainz (2)
(1)Instituto de Tecnología Cerámica (ITC). Asociación de Investigación de las Industrias Cerámicas. Universitat Jaume I. Castellón. (2)Ferro Spain, S.A. Castellón,
Surface properties of porcelain stoneware tiles: the influence of different protective coatings
M. Raimondo, C. Zanelli, M. Dondi, G. Guarini, F. Matteucci, V. Biasini, D. Gardini
CNR-Institute of Science and Technology for Ceramics, Faenza
Use of agalmatolite rock in the formulation of additives for the surface treatment of porcelain stoneware tile
Alves, H. J.(1) ; Riella, H. G.(1); Silveira R.(2)
(1)Department of Materials Engineering, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Florianópolis, SC; (2)Department of Materials Engineering, Universidade do Extremo Sul Catarinense, Criciúma, SC,
Discussion |
18.40 h. |
Shuttle Service to the Hotels |
20.45 h. |
Departure from the hotels |
21.00 h. |
Dinner at the restaurant of the Casino Antiguo in Castellón. Dinner offered by the Town Councils of Alcora, Castellón, Nules, Onda, Vall d’Uixó, Vila-real and the County Council of Castellón. The Ad-hoc group will liven up the evening.
After dinner, return to the hotels |