Newsletter 2007 - nº 5

More invited speakers join Qualicer 2008

The brilliant Canadian communicator and consultant Patti Fasan, the chemical expert Alfredo González, and the tandem of researchers from the prestigious Spanish Instituto de Tecnología Cerámica, Gonzalo Silva and Javier Mira, are the new names on the list of speakers who will be participating in the forthcoming QUALICER meeting (10 to 13 February 2008).

The attendance of these speakers has already been confirmed, when little more than six months remain for QUALICER 2008, the forum on ceramic tile, which will be celebrating with particular interest its 10th anniversary.

Patti Fasan

Patti Fasan At QUALICER 2008, Patti Fasan will deliver the lecture entitled:
Strategies to Improve Market Share over Competitive Alternates

Specialising in ceramic tile for twenty years, she shares her research, project experience, and passion for the industry. Ms. Fasan has lectured in Europe, the United States, and Canada. Her consulting firm (P.A.T.T.I.) focuses on technical expertise while her stage presence and vibrant personality inspire audiences to maximise their creative potential.

Curriculum Patti Fasan

Alfredo González

Alfredo GonzálezHis lecture is entitled:
Internationalisation as a Strategic Option

Degree in Chemical Sciences from Universidad Complutense of Madrid, General Manager of Wendel Email Ibérica (now Kerafrit) since 2003. González is member of the Spanish College of Chemists and a variety of associations connected with ceramics.
Since 2006, he has chaired the Spanish Association of Frit, Glaze, and Ceramic Colour Manufacturers (ANFFECC).

Curriculum Alfredo González

Gonzalo Silva and Javier Mira

At QUALICER 2008 they will jointly deliver the lecture entitled:
Ceramic Sector. Tradition and Innovation.

Gonzalo SilvaPh.D. in Chemical Sciences; at present Head of the Area for Analysis and Tests at the Spanish Instituto de Tecnología Cerámica, a Mixed Institute created by agreement between Universitat Jaume I of Castellón and the Ceramic Industry Research Association (AICE), with which it has collaborated in technical work since 1989. Gonzalo Silva is member of different Spanish, European, and International Standardisation and Certification Committees on Ceramic tiles and Fired-clay products used in construction.

Currículum Gonzalo Silva

Javier MiraA technical architect, Javier Mira is currently Head of the Area for Design and Architecture at the Spanish Instituto de Tecnología Cerámica. He was one of the original members of the Association for the Promotion of Ceramic Design, ALICER, and was Deputy Director of ALICER from 1993 to 2005. Javier Mira is co-inventor of 6 innovative products and systems relating to ceramic tiles and tile installation systems.

Currículum Javier Mira

The authors of the complete works shall submit them to the Congress Secretariat by 30 September so that the Technical Committee can make the final evaluation.

Guidelines for submission

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