Newsletter 2007 - nº 3

Presentation International Technical Committee Qualicer 2008

QUALICER 2008 International Technical Committee was officially presented at the Official College of Industrial Engineers headquarters, setting the countdown for the X World Congress on Ceramic Tile Quality, which will take place from 10 th to 12th of February 2008.

Comité técnico

From now on, the 63 members of the International Technical Committee start their task of selecting those papers and posters which will be part of the definitive Qualicer 2008 programme.

The Congress is opened to any communication, the only condition required is its quality and contribution to the ceramic tile world.

Both Presidents of Qualicer highlighted in their speeches the invaluable role of the Technical Committee in the achievement of the highest level of innovation, professionalism and prestige which the Congress has been reaching since 1990. “We believe that the Technical Committee’s contribution has been essential for the development of Qualicer during the past 9 editions. Their work has boosted the leadership of our ceramic technology in the future, turning Castellón into the world’s centre of ceramics quality”

Deadline for the submission of summaries: 31st May. You are invited

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