Newsletter 2007 - nš 2

International promotion of QUALICER 2008

QUALICER, the forum on ceramic tile, is on tour. In the last few months, the QUALICER Organising Committee has focused its activities on promoting the conference worldwide.

After the participation in the Cevisama international trade fair (Valencia-Spain) last February, QUALICER is now preparing its first visit to the Indian Ceramics trade fair, to be held from 11 to 13 April in Bombay (India). QUALICER will have a stand in the Bombay Exhibition Center, to present itself in a country widely known as “the new China”, because of the spectacular boom of the Hindu ceramic and sanitary ware industry in recent years.

Nor will QUALICER 2008 be missing the Coverings show, to be held from 17 to 20 April in Chicago (U.S.A.); and it will also be present again, of course, in Italy for the Cersaie trade show, the flagship of the ceramic trade fairs, which will be opening its doors from 2 to 6 October 2007.

QUALICER, the congress devoted to the ceramic sector, will be celebrating its tenth anniversary in February 2008 and is devoting these preliminary months to the official presentation, to making known its objectives internationally in order to surpass the good results in regard to participation achieved at the last event, when over 600 delegates from 29 countries met in Castellón (Spain).

The forthcoming 31 May marks the deadline for the submission of presentations in the form of summaries. The QUALICER Technical Committee will then analyse the papers and posters submitted and will decide which may be presented during the congress. That is the true essence of QUALICER, which shapes the forum: the participation of the speakers. For this reason, the QUALICER Organising Committee is now immersed in the pursuit of participants, listeners, or speakers, in order to be able to design the tenth QUALICER meeting programme.

The participation in trade fairs and shows, collaboration with the trade press and specialised media, business encounters, and on-line communication tools like the Web site or newsletters, play a particularly significant role in this period, in seeking to reach those places where QUALICER has never been before.

With these lines we invite you to discover…

  • A wonderful Mediterranean enclave: Castellón
  • A top class event: the global forum on ceramic tile
  • A unique experience that you will always remember: being part of QUALICER

Under the Article 5 of 15/1999 Act, dated 13 December, about Personal Data Protection, the Chamber of Commerce of Castellón (QUALICER ) informs that personal data will be treated confidentially and stored in files belonging to the aforementioned Chamber of Commerce of Castellón with aims to send you information about QUALICER.

You have the right to access, amend and cancel the data you have provided. You can also oppose to the subsequent data processing. You can make your request, in writing, to the following address: “Servicio de Protección de Datos” (Data Protection Officer), Cámara de Comercio de Castellón, Avda. Hnos. Bou, 79, 12003 – Castellón (Spain). You are required to state your name and surname and include copy of your passport.