Newsletter 2007 - nš 1

Call for papers QUALICER 2008

Authors are invited to submit two types of communications to be presented and discussed at the forthcoming QUALICER meeting: papers and posters

Deadline for submission of summaries: 31st May 2007

The summaries shall be about 500 words long. Text format shall be Word 2000/XP or RTF, Times font, font size 10.

Summaries shall include the following information:

  1. title of the communication
  2. name of the author or authors, organisation, and country of origin
  3. four keywords
  4. e-mail address

Summaries shall be sent by e-mail to

Selection of submitted work

The QUALICER Technical Committee will make a preliminary selection of the communications based on the submitted summaries. Authors will be informed in June 2007 regarding initial acceptance of their work, together with any relevant remarks. Authors will also receive instructions for the presentation of the complete work.

The Technical Committee will perform the second, definitive selection in October 2007, based on the complete work.

The QUALICER Organisation reminds authors that submitted work shall be unpublished, and that any commercial references, should they be absolutely necessary, shall be kept to a minimum.


Under the Article 5 of 15/1999 Act, dated 13 December, about Personal Data Protection, the Chamber of Commerce of Castellón (QUALICER ) informs that personal data will be treated confidentially and stored in files belonging to the aforementioned Chamber of Commerce of Castellón with aims to send you information about QUALICER.

You have the right to access, amend and cancel the data you have provided. You can also oppose to the subsequent data processing. You can make your request, in writing, to the following address: “Servicio de Protección de Datos” (Data Protection Officer), Cámara de Comercio de Castellón, Avda. Hnos. Bou, 79, 12003 – Castellón (Spain). You are required to state your name and surname and include copy of your passport.